Tuesday, October 1, 2013


You must really dislike your job if you would rather be unemployed.  Right?  Well apparently it's true because this week we are saying goodbye to one of our middle school teachers.  I don't know how to feel about this.  We are definitely loosing a strong teacher who has taught in the system for 10 years.  A teacher who has received multiple awards and recognition throughout her years in teaching.   But, she finally found her match and she can longer be herself at our school.

The sad part?  She doesn't blame the students.  She blames the system.  She blames the "people on the top"

Who gets punished?  The students.

Why?  They now have to repeat day one of school with another teacher.  They now have to build relations with a completely different teacher.  They now have no faith in the rest of their teachers.  For all they know I could be the next one to leave.  There isn't any consistency.  There is no trust.  I have lost them before I even had them.

-Ms. P

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