Friday, September 27, 2013

The Good and The Bad

Wow!  What a week!  I walked in last Thursday to find out that I would now be teaching 6th grade ELA (English Language Arts) on top of my three science classes that I already teach.  This past week was my first week with trying out the new schedule.

The Good:  I get to teach ELA, my first choice in subject if I had ever had a choice.
The Bad:  Now I'm teaching 4 classes back to back without any preps in between.  Exhausting.
The Good:  I get to build a stronger relationship with my 6th graders because I have them for so long.
The Bad: I have to rearrange my entire classroom for the third time this year so I can fit in a classroom library and a word wall for ELA.
The Good: I finally get to read to kids.
The Bad: I have no social life.

Yesterday morning I also found out that I am pretty much leading student council and that I was the school coordinator for the STEAM Fair and that I must have every middle school student complete a STEAM project.  I don't know if I walk around with a face that says. "Hey I am completely free please give me more work to do", but I just don't get it.

I'm tired.

The Good: I still want nothing more than to be a teacher.

-Ms. P

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