About Me

If you have ever seen or heard of the documentary Waiting for Superman then you probably know how the title of this blog came to be.  I've always wanted to become a teacher but after watching that particular film I have had this urge to do something with my teaching career.  I mean public education cannot be THAT bad.  There's still some hope.  I can be that hope for a group of students.  Right?  I wanted to "make a difference".  I know it is a very cliched term but that is what I wanted to do.  I didn't want to spend the rest of my life living a small 9-5 life.  I wanted something BIG.  I became very engrossed in the world of education.  I have dedicated my life to reading about education, watching documentaries and films, and even taking on a teaching job in a high needs inner city school in the United States.  I wanted the challenges and frustrations of the teachers in those documentaries.  I thought it would be the greatest thing that I could ever do with my life.  Watching and reading about the world of education is easy, but actually living it has been probably one of the toughest things that I have done in my life.  I was 22 years old when I started working and saying that I was inexperienced is an understatement.  My world has been turned upside down and the sole reason for this blog is to keep me sane. The words that are expressed in this blog are based off of what I experience everyday.  You can call them biased assumptions that lack sufficient evidence or whatever else you want.  But you cannot argue that I am experiencing things that people cannot even fathom.  There is never a day that I deem as "normal".  Everyday is a challenge.  Waking up is a challenge.  I'm not saying I made a bad decision because even though there have been days where I want to pack my bags and never look back, there is always something that keeps me wanting to come back for more.  

Thanks for stopping by,

Ms. P 
Superman in Training  

P.S.  There are probably a billion grammar mistakes all over this blog.  I'm sorry. 

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