Sunday, October 13, 2013

Free Paper

Last Friday, one of my 6th grade students brought me a pack of notebook paper.  I asked him what it was for and he answered, "Well I already have like three packs and so this is for you...I just thought you would need it".

I was speechless.  I didn't know what to say and I would have just started crying right then and there if I had not controlled myself.  I was just in awe of the fact that this student noticed.  He noticed that I might need some paper and he wanted to contribute.  He took the time to think in his head that hey I have all this paper and maybe Ms. P might need some...

...And it was then that I realized that you know what I could change things around.  There was hope. There was a chance.  And it only took a pack of free paper for me to realize this.  Who would have thought.

-Ms. P

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