Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What They Still Won't Tell Me

The school that I teach at shares a building with another school.  So there are two different schools in one building.

Little did I know, my students were being called down last week in order to get them to transfer to the other school in our building.  What I don't understand is that why do I have to hear this for the first time from one of my students.  Talk about being frustrated.  One of my brightest students is now leaving because the "people from the top" decided the best way to solve our large student to teacher ratio is to send our best students to the other school.

Thank you Mr. Principal for not telling the teachers!  I now have to rethink my lessons and lab groups because I'm losing kids tomorrow!

After about 20 minutes of crying in my room and trying to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of the year, I have come to realize that the "people from the top" must have no sense at all.  How do you expect a child to leave her classmates who she has been with for years and move across the hall to another group of students that she doesn't even know?   To a school that she doesn't know?  How do you not tell your teachers that they will be moving kids out of the classroom?  How do you think that by targeting the brightest students and moving them out of a classroom will increase test scores?

I go to work everyday for students like her, if they're not there then who will I go for?

~Ms. P

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