Monday, June 16, 2014

The End

So as I sit here in my empty classroom waiting for the extravagant team building trip that has been planned for both the schools (team building should probably happen during the school year not at the end of it), I can't help but think that I made it.

I made it through the 43 eight graders during my first few weeks of school.
I made it through the lack of science resources.
I made it through the meltdowns, the screaming, and the cursing from my students.
I made it through without the support of administration.
I made it through all the crying, stress, and overwhelmingness of working in this building.
I made it through my first year of teaching.

I made it. 

I don't know what the second year will hold, but as of now I am done.  To those of you who make fun of teachers for having their summers off I just want to say that after the shit that I have been through and seen, one summer isn't enough to recover. 

Until next time,

-Ms. P 

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