Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I Don't Care

You're failing this class.  "I don't care."
I'm calling home tonight.  "I don't care."
You need to get back here before you get in trouble.  "I don't care."
You didn't do your homework It's going down as a zero.  "I don't care."
I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.

I have been having such a difficult time with my 7th graders that I just had to dedicate a post just to those 26 lovely bunch of I want to tear my head of when I see you individuals.  I would rather deal with both 6th and 8th grade in one room than deal with this class.  Now that's saying something.

A lot of my students use the phrase "I don't care" but these 7th graders just take it to another level.

I mean lets be real here.  If I make your parent come down to school right this minute, those tears will be coming down faster than you can say "I don't care" one more time!  So I know there's a small little spark of "I do care" somewhere in there.  How do I get it out?!

That's the hard part.  I will be honest here.  My 7th graders are going to have one tough time getting into a good high school next year because of their grades and most importantly because of this "I don't care" attitude.  I have done everything possible.  Called their parents, made their parents come to school, had their parents follow their child for a few hours at school, and everything in between.  I have literally showed them the requirements of the top high schools in the city and we've sat down figuring out which ones they are able to get into (which are slim to none).  But nothing.  There is no change. There is no motivation to do better.  Nothing.  In fact they actually started laughing and calling each other out.  "Haha you ain't gettin anywhere!."  Really?

My 7th graders took a test on the elements and the periodic table about  two weeks ago.  The class average was a 48.2%.  48.2!!!  EVERY single one of them failed.  Miserably.  And to make things worse I gave them a study guide that was WORD FOR WORD the test.  I mean it couldn't have been easier for them.  So what happened?  They didn't study because they didn't care.  It's that simple. As a teacher the worst thing that can probably happen to you is having a group of students who just don't care about their education.

It's the worst feeling in the world and it's happening to me and I don't know what to do about it.

-Ms. P

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