I know you've probably heard this before but I'm not only a teacher. I'm a mentor, role model, advisor, parent, disciplinarian, counselor, party planner, delegate, and basically everything that a child/administrator needs me to be. I don't think people realize how true this is. It's cute to hear but actually living it is tough and so there is no room left for you. I just came out of an ILT (Instructional Leadership Team) meeting last week where we were making decisions about next year. I mean I didn't even think a first year teacher could be a part of the ILT. What experiences do I to even be a part of a leadership team? But there I was making decisions. I didn't even know what we where talking about half the time but I was trying and that's another part of growing up. Getting yourself thrown into something that makes no sense to you and hoping for the best.
It's only been a year and my priorities no longer focus on me and that's the hardest part about growing up. I'm not the center of my life anymore. I have 85 little bodies that now make up this center. Everything revolves around them. I now completely understand new parents and how they're ALWAYS talking about their kids and what they're doing and showing you pictures ALL the time. I totally get it and I'm sorry for ever hating you. I look around at my friends and their "important moving up the ladder" lives and I can't help but think when did it happen?
When did we all grow up so fast?
-Ms. P