Sunday, November 10, 2013

Real Teaching

So two other teachers and I have had it with the lack of engagement and care for learning from some of our students.  So we decided that we would divide and conquer.  The first was to attend mass at a student's church to really get involved in what he does out of school.  He is the junior deacon at his church, yet acts like a complete fool at school.  Something had to be done.  So we decided to go support him at church today.  We spoke with the parent before hand to let her know that we would be attending and we asked her to keep it a secret from her son.  The outcome?

Oh boy was he surprised.  His teachers had actually taken the time to attend the two hour service just for him.  That we actually cared enough about his grades and behavior at school that we made the effort to come all the way to his church.  It was great.  We introduced ourselves as his teachers and told everyone that we were there to support him and to make sure that he keeps doing his best at school.  It was amazing.  I honestly don't know how much of a positive affect this will have on this student.  I will have to see on Monday, but while sitting there and sharing that personal experience with that student, I realized that this was real teaching.

Forget about the science, the curriculum, the lesson plans, the assessments, and the standards.  That right there at that time was real teaching.  Sharing that personal experience with the parents, family, and friends of that student was real teaching.  I don't know if that lesson sunk in but it felt good.  It finally felt that I was doing something right.  Having that parent look at me and say thank you for sharing that time with them felt good.

Feeling good is very limited in my world of teaching...So I'll take it.

-Ms. P

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